The Beckman Catholic High School Resource Program serves students in grades 7 through 12. The Resource staff includes one full-time Resource teacher and one part-time teacher aide. The resource program serves at-risk students. An at-risk student is any student who is at risk of not completing their high school education, meeting the goals of the educational program or becoming a productive worker. The resource program has established the following provisions for meeting the needs of the at-risk student: a systematic procedure and criteria to identify at-risk determination of appropriate, ongoing educational strategies including alternative education programs; review and evaluation of the effectiveness of the strategies, provisions, and/or accommodations for each at-risk student.
The Resource program at Beckman is a resource/tutorial program in which students receive assistance with classes in their deficit area(s) for one class period every other day or ever day, based on individual need. The students also come to the resource room to take tests and work on study skills as needed. The Resource program will provide any and all supplemental needs determined by the Resource teacher. These "supplemental" needs are only in academics.
The Resource staff and the Beckman Administration work in conjunction with Keystone AEA in providing services to special needs students and modifying the student assignments, tests, etc. when necessary.
The focus of the Resource program for student in grades 11 and 12 is career skills, and school-to-work/post-secondary education.
Students are recommended for placement in the resource program by their elementary classroom teachers upon entrance into Beckman. Students already in attendance at Beckman are recommended for placement in this program by the classroom teachers after several attempts of different learning strategies in the general classroom. These strategies shall be documented on the SAT/intervention date sheets provided by the Resource teacher upon referral by the regular education teacher. All placements in the resource program require parental/guardian approval.
Students in resource may earn 2.5 credits for daily attendance in the program per semester.
To assist students who may be low in organizational skills, motivation and/or ability to learn at the expected classroom pace. The Resource program will also provide supplemental instruction in deficit areas based on the particular needs of each. The goal is to create independent learners who are able to compensate for and/or overcome their learning deficits.