Blazers for Life is a club that because of our Catholic faith cherishes and respects life at all stages, conception to natural death.
March for Life Pilgrimage Beckman students in 8th-12th grade are encouraged to join the 500,000 protesters at the March for Life each year. It takes place on or around the anniversary of Roe v. Wade (January 22), the court case legalizing abortion in America. (See the March for Life tab under the menu at
October is Right to Life month The first weekend of October is LifeSaver Sunday. Students going on the March for Life pilgrimage hand out lifesavers at the local parishes to commemorate and encourage Pro-Life movement. That Sunday students are joined by members of the community on the sidewalk in front of Beckman Catholic where they hold Pro-Life signs and pray to end abortion. We also pray for all aspects concerning the sanctity of life, conception to natural death. Beckman students also participate in the Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity to raise awareness about abortion. Those participating remain silent in reflective, silent prayer for the lives taken daily by abortion. The Day of Silence is observed on the third Tuesday of October.
~Students attending the March for Life are asked to attend 5 Pro-Life events and write an essay about what life and pro-life means to them. Students also organize and participate in a community wide baby supply drive at one point during the year. Supplies such as baby clothes, formula, pacifiers, diapers, wipes, etc. are collected and given to BirthRight in Dubuque.
~Students are notified and encouraged to participate in additional activities sponsored by Dubuque County Right to Life throughout the year.